This Internship is planned to coincide with the summer & winter break of schools in India. Market research & data analytics are powerful tools for businesses to understand their markets & customers. Market research focuses on gathering information about markets & consumers which is essential for every budding Entrepreneur. Data analytics involves processing & analysing data to extract valuable insights. Together these practices enable informed decision making, strategic planning and improved business performance & will be invaluable for students whilst they take up different career paths. Students applying for this need to be interested in understanding the dynamics of entrepreneurship & have a desire to understand commercials that drive all successful businesses.

This internship will cover the following subject areas:

Introduction to Market Research Concepts: Provide an overview of market research concepts tailored to seventh grade understanding. Explain the importance of understanding consumer preferences, market trends, and competition in making informed business decisions.

Data Collection Methods: Teach students about different methods of data collection, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and online research. Help them understand the advantages and limitations of each method and how to choose the most appropriate approach for a given research project.

Data Analysis Techniques: Introduce students to basic data analysis techniques, such as sorting, filtering, and summarizing data using spreadsheets or data visualization tools. Demonstrate how to interpret data trends, identify patterns, and draw conclusions from the data.

Hands-on Projects: Assign hands-on projects that allow students to apply market research and data analytics concepts in real-world scenarios. For example, students could conduct surveys to gather feedback on a product or service, analyse sales data to identify customer preferences, or create visualizations to present their findings.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Encourage students to think critically about the data they collect and analyse, considering factors such as sample size, bias, and reliability. Help them develop problem-solving skills by exploring creative solutions to business challenges based on their research findings.

Presentation Skills: Provide opportunities for students to practice presenting their research findings in a clear and compelling manner. Teach them how to organize their ideas, use visual aids effectively, and engage their audience during presentations.

Once you complete your Internship you will have earned 4 privileges :
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    An International Certification of Internship from QAI (UK)
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    An Invitation to be a responsible Student Panelist on our Webinars & Symposia
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    A place in the vibrant & cross cultural Zamit Community of Zamit Student Interns
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    A subscription to Zamit Reads : A quarterly Publication that keeps you one step ahead in the VUCA World