As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in various spheres of our life using AI tools in school education equips students with the skills needed to navigate & leverage technology effectively in their future careers. Understanding the use & advantages of AI tools creates a more dynamic, individualised & effective experience that empowers students to become proactive, adaptable and lifelong learners.

In this Internship we would introduce students to some excellent Tools that will enrich their learning out comes in Language, Mathematics, Creativity & Presentation skills. Today’s student is naturally wired to understand & use technology and this will help them focus and use tools already existing that will make them better critical thinkers that can apply their knowledge to remain ahead in the ever-changing VUCA World.

This internship will cover the following subject areas:

Introduction to AI Concepts : Provide an overview of artificial intelligence concepts tailored to seventh grade understanding. Explain how AI technologies are used in education to personalize learning experiences, assist with homework, and provide feedback to students.

Exploration of AI Applications : Introduce students to a variety of AI applications and tools designed to enhance learning, such as educational apps, virtual tutors, adaptive learning platforms, and AI-powered language learning programs. Discuss how these tools work and their potential benefits for students.

Hands-on Experience with AI Tools : Offer hands-on activities and tutorials where students can interact with AI tools and experiment with their features. Encourage them to explore different functionalities, ask questions, and provide feedback on their user experience.

Ethical Considerations : Foster discussions about the ethical implications of AI in education, such as data privacy, bias in algorithms, and the impact of automation on jobs. Help students develop critical thinking skills by examining real-world examples and debating ethical dilemmas related to AI use in education. 

Collaborative Projects : Encourage students to work together on collaborative projects that integrate AI tools into their learning activities. This could include creating multimedia presentations using AI-generated graphics, conducting research with AI-powered search engines, or programming simple AI chatbots to answer questions.

Reflection and Feedback : Provide opportunities for students to reflect on their learning experiences with AI tools and share feedback on what they found most helpful or challenging. Encourage them to think critically about how AI can be used to support their learning goals and identify areas for improvement. 

Once you complete your Internship you will have earned 4 privileges :
  • Points
    An International Certification of Internship from QAI (UK)
  • Points
    An Invitation to be a responsible Student Panelist on our Webinars & Symposia
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    A place in the vibrant & cross cultural Zamit Community of Zamit Student Interns
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    A subscription to Zamit Reads : A quarterly Publication that keeps you one step ahead in the VUCA World