Students will focus on environmental issues & conservation. Students can create awareness campaigns, design posters or initiate small community projects related to environmental sustainability.

This internship will cover the following subject areas:

Introduction to Environmental Concepts: Overview of basic environmental concepts such as ecosystems, biodiversity, climate change, and the importance of conservation. 

Exploration of Local Ecosystems:  Virtual tours to local parks, nature reserves, or environmental centres where students can observe and learn about the ecosystems in their own community. Identify plants, animals, and natural features & discuss the importance of preserving local habitats.

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Students learn about the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and the importance of minimizing waste in their daily lives. Conduct recycling audits in the school or community to raise awareness of recycling practices and discuss ways to reduce single-use plastics and packaging.

Water Conservation:Raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and the need to protect freshwater resources. Discussion on the water cycle, water pollution, and ways to conserve water at home and school through simple actions.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Introduce students to the concepts of energy conservation and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Explore energy-saving practices at home.

Community Action Projects: Students take action in their community by planning and implementing environmental projects. This could include organizing a school-wide recycling drive, planting native trees or flowers, creating a community garden, or advocating for eco-friendly practices in local businesses.

Once you complete your Internship you will have earned 4 privileges :
  • Points
    An International Certification of Internship from QAI (UK)
  • Points
    An Invitation to be a responsible Student Panelist on our Webinars & Symposia
  • Points
    A place in the vibrant & cross cultural Zamit Community of Zamit Student Interns
  • Points
    A subscription to Zamit Reads : A quarterly Publication that keeps you one step ahead in the VUCA World