It might baffle you that why would a writer, a journalist, a science scholar, a banker and a management grad think of starting a playschool. Well, the one reason that binds them together is the fact that they are thinking citizens and they are parents. In a quest to find right environment for their children, they realized that we Indians might be great in getting 98 per cent scores, but we are quite ill equipped when it comes to be independent and logical thinkers. The way our society has weaved makes us great sons and daughters, but how often are we trying to make them great independent human beings. We grow under the wings of our elders, are trained to respect our elders by not opposing their opinions and following without questioning. This is the learning that stays with us even as grow older so most of the individuals might be very good at maths, but their social skills and ever more dangerously their expressive abilities are minimum.
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