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To guide their students to success in the 21st century, teachers must demonstrate new-age and up-to-date teaching excellence skills and remain relevant in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world.
Zamit has developed the world’s first and most comprehensive, research-based, AI-driven analysis of Teaching Excellence and Relevance Management (TERM) to enable teachers to demonstrate their teaching excellence. TERM analyses over 80+ teaching excellence traits, attributes, and capabilities, classified into Nine Dimensions.
Teachers receive a global TERM Score aligned with the Common International Framework of Reference (CIFR), the world standard. The CIFR for Teachers is a six-level framework, with A1 being the first level and C2 being the highest level of teaching excellence skills.
TERM is mapped to the requirements of NEP 2020 and takes into account the International Baccalaureate (IB) elements and approaches to teaching.
To help further develop and improve their Teaching Excellence, teachers can undertake various Professional Development Programmes, Action Research, participation in Webinars and Symposia and also gain access to self-guided resources.


Zamit, in collaboration with its academic partner QAI UK, was commissioned by The Future Foundation to research and identify essential skills, traits, attributes and capabilities that teachers must possess and enhance while guiding their students for success in the 21st-century.
A team of over 15 international experts led this initiative, including Teaching professionals at school and university level, psychologists, scholars, subject specialists, English language experts, and training professionals. This team compiled a list of over seventy essential skills, attributes and capabilities for a 21st-century teacher based on comprehensive primary and secondary research. These skills were then categorised into Nine Dimensions, creating the Common International Framework of Reference for Future Readiness (CIFR). The CIFR framework for Teachers is a six-level framework ranging from A1 as the first level to C2 as the expert level, providing a standardised and structured approach to measuring, improving and monitoring the teacher development life-cycle.


The TERM analysis covers the following Nine Dimensions:

  • Creativity in teaching and assessment;
  • Employability skills for career growth and job satisfaction;
  • Professionalism in teaching and management;
  • Pedagogy, including innovative teaching and assessment methods;
  • Communication, including communication skills with students, parents and colleagues;
  • Digital Literacy, including technology-enabled teaching and assessment;
  • Mentoring students at all stages of development;
  • Emotional competencies as a part of decision-making skills, rapport-building and relationship management
  • Social Perception of colleagues, students, school head & supervisor, friends and others.

For Social Perception, the teachers must get feedback from their friends, colleagues, head of the department, supervisor, head of the school and others known to the teacher.
This is based on a questionnaire that is specific to the respondent. This, in turn, is also analysed.
For the Eight Dimensions, the teachers must respond to 120 questions (15 scenario-based questions per dimension). The responses are analysed alongside CIFR.
The TERM Analysis can be completed in one sitting or parts over seven days.
The Teachers can get a progressive report, and once they have completed all the Nine Dimensions, they will get their Final Analysis Report. Any dimension not completed within the stipulated time is assessed with a ‘Zero’ score, leading to a lower TERM Score.


  • Enabled to empower students with the essential skills they need to become successful in the 21st century;
  • Meet the challenge of change in the modern classroom and become more successful, confident and forward-thinking;
  • Be equipped to implement new-age teaching methodologies and make the teaching-learning process more effective;
  • Validate knowledge for enhance credibility and academic performance.
  • Meet the CPD requirements, including as recommended under the NEP 2020;
  • Provide employers (the School) with evidence of achievement and professional development;
  • Possess an International certification from QAI UK that is benchmarked to the global standards of the Common International Framework of Reference (CIFR);

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TERM Highlights

  • Most comprehensive analysis tool for teaching excellence & relevance management.
  • Research-based, mapped to the international standards of CIFR and certified by QAI UK.
  • Enables teachers to guide their students to success in the 21st century.
  • Helps with implementing up-to-date teaching methods.
  • Demonstrate with evidence teaching excellence and relevance management skills.
  • Enables teachers to validate their knowledge and enhance credibility and academic performance.
  • Helps in meeting the requirements under NEP 2020.