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IQ, EQ and SQ were important for measuring an individual’s general intelligence and social and emotional understanding. However, in this fast-changing world, students must be relevant today and ready for the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world.

Zamit, along with its Academic Partner QAI UK has developed the Zamit Quotient (ZQ), the world’s first research-based, AI-driven and adaptive analysis tool that measures over 70+ future-readiness skills in an integrated manner that is clubbed into the Zamit’s proprietary Nine Dimensions.

The ZQ Measurement Tool is suited for Grades 3 to 12 school students. It provides each student with a personalised report and a global ZQ Score mapped to the Common International Framework of Future Readiness (CIFR). The outcomes are also aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) of India and the Approaches to Learning of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.

The ZQ Measurement includes:

  • A total of 105 scenario-based, engaging questions.
  • Input from parents about the student’s natural abilities.
  • Inputs from friends, relatives and teachers about the student.

The ZQ Measurement can be completed in one sitting or with breaks over seven days.

The ZQ Measurement can be followed up with an improvement programme from Zamit, the International Skills and Knowledge Integrated Learning Programme.



Zamit, in collaboration with its academic partner QAI UK, was commissioned by The Future Foundation to research and identify essential skills students need to develop during their schooling.

A team of over 15 international experts led this initiative, including psychologists, scholars, subject specialists, English language experts, and training professionals. This team compiled a list of over sixty essential skills for 21st-century success based on comprehensive primary and secondary research. These skills were then categorised into Nine Dimensions, creating the Common International Framework of Reference for Future Readiness (CIFR). The CIFR framework has eight levels, ranging from A1 to D2, that provide a standardised and structured approach to measuring, improving and monitoring these skills across the Nine Dimensions.


The ZQ assessment and analysis covers the following Nine Dimensions:

  • Natural Abilities
  • Acquired Abilities
  • Technological Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Learning Power
  • Communication Skills
  • Universal Awareness
  • Social Perception


For the Natural Abilities, the students must get feedback from their parents based on a defined questionnaire, and their inputs are analysed. Similarly, for Social Perception, the students must get feedback from their friends, teachers, family members and other individuals known to the students. This is based on a questionnaire that is specific to the respondent. This, in turn, is also analysed.

For the other Seven Dimensions, the student must respond to 105 questions (15 scenario-based questions per dimension). There are no right or wrong answers, so it is not like an exam. Instead, the responses to the scenarios by each student are measured against the most suitable and appropriate response.

The scenario questions follow an AI-driven, adaptive methodology that provides each student with a customised and response-driven environment, making it a genuinely personalised assessment experience.

The ZQ Measurement can be completed in one sitting or in parts over seven days.

As the students begin the ZQ Measurement, they can get a progressive report, and once they have completed all the Nine Dimensions, they will get their Final Report. Any dimension not completed within the stipulated time is assessed with a ‘Zero’ score, leading to a lower ZQ Score.

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ZQ Highlights

  • AI-driven and Adaptive assessment tool.
  • Instant results as you progress.
  • Instant Final ZQ Score once the measurement is completed.
  • 105 scenario-based questions.
  • No right or wrong answers. Options use a best-fit methodology to gauge the approach.
  • Focussed questionnaire-based inputs from Parents, Friends, Family & Teachers.
  • Complete in one sitting or in parts over seven days.
  • Results are mapped to the CIFR (world standard).
  • Offers an improvement programme.