Zamit’s Student Internship is India’s first programme for school students. It helps students to dive into a transformative journey that hones their skills, fuels their passion, and prepares them for a dynamic future.
The Zamit’s Student Internship is a flexi-time programme that offers self-paced learning opportunities, allowing students to upskill and learn with young professionals.
Fee of internship:
Registration fee: Rs. 100/-
Level 1 fee: Rs. 2000/-
Level 1: Currently all internships are Level 1(Introduction) and will allow the student hands on experience to gauge the level of interest.
Level 2: We will be offering Level 2 (Advanced) based on the Interns ability & Interest level during the introductory internships.
Zamit’s Student Internship provides short-term and extended opportunities designed to enhance students’ skills, preparing them for the future and enriching their admissions portfolio with;
- Project-integrated sessions.
- Flexible Internship aligned with academic schedules.
- Certification from QAI UK.
- Being part of the Zamit Internship Community.
- Being selected as a Student Panellist.
- Being a part of Zamit Loyalty Programme (coming soon).
Zamit’s internship programme prepares students in classes 5 to 12 to join a vibrant community of changemakers and lifelong learners. It helps in:
- Developing multiple 21st-century skills.
- Understanding the importance of integrating theoretical knowledge practically.
- Gain practical experience while working on projects with young mentors.
- Exploring career options and identifying interests.
- Build networks and make new friends.
- Boosting college applications (for students of class 12).
- Enhancing confidence levels.
- Understand professionalism and develop professional habits and etiquette.
- Preparing for a dynamic future.
- Get an international certification from QAI UK.
- Being part of the Zamit Internship Community.
- Being selected as a Student Panellist.
January 06th to 17th | February 17th to 28th |
April 7th to 18th | May 19th to 30th |
June 16th to 27th | July 14th to 25th |
October 06th to 17th | November 03rd to 14th |
Anudeep Sain
Pradeep Kumar
Shikha Srivastava
Rehyan Nautiyal
Mayank Khare
Ravi Bhardwaj
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Internship Highlights
- Offered to students from classes 5 to 12
- The Internship is online and open to students globally
- Convenience of timing : after school & during academic breaks
- Build your Admissions Portfolio
- Acquire an International Certification from QAI ( UK )
- Explore your career interests and find your career path
- Work & learn with, dynamic young Zamit professionals