Completing this course will help you meet the challenge of change in the modern classroom and become more successful, confident and forward-thinking. You’ll also develop a working understanding of successful SEL-based teaching strategies that you can apply in your practice. You’ll receive a wide variety of tools that can be used to navigate complex emotions, nurture awareness and exhibit pro-social behaviour for both yourself and your students. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the impact of SEL and you’ll learn how to design engaging, inspiring, inclusive and accessible SEL-based learning programmes. Completing this programme will also open doors to national and international employment opportunities and provide you with a globally recognised certification.

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • 40 ZQ points
  • Mode of Delivery: Online, Face-to-face or Blended
  • Level: Mapped to Level 1 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), England
  • Certification from QAI, UK
  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): An overview (50 mins)
  • SEL approaches, programmes and delivery methods (90 mins)
  • From assessment to action (90 mins)
  • End-of-course quiz (10 mins)

This programme is externally validated and certified by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI), UK, a private international awarding, accrediting, assessing and quality assurance body.

In order to achieve the Certificate of Participation, attendees are required to fully attend the programme.

Duration Session Details
50 minutes Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): An overview

  • What is SEL?
  • Key concepts and practices
90 minutes SEL approaches, programmes and delivery methods

  • The SEL classroom
  • Creating an emotionally safe environment
  • Cooperative and collaborative learning
  • Cognitive and emotional engagement through projects
  • Tips for resolving conflict
90 minutes From assessment to action

  • Implementing SEL
  • SEL in action: Practical ideas
10 minutes End-of-course quiz

Ask a Question


  • Learn strategies for better classroom management with the help of SEL
  • Developed an understanding of how you could apply SEL in your classroom practice
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of the components of social and emotional learning
  • Learn how to effectively implement social emotional learning programmes in your classroom practice.
  • Receive an opportunity to build a pool of SEL practices for your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Deepen your own self-awareness, empathy and social skills which will enrich your own social and emotional intelligence
  • Receive tips, techniques and strategies for building, managing and maintaining healthy relationships in the classroom
  • Analyse why healthy relationships are integral to classroom motivation, classroom behaviour, student performance and teacher well-being.