Completing this course will help you meet the challenge of change in the modern classroom and become more successful, confident and forward-thinking. You will also learn how to create an innovative, open, creative and safe place for your students to grow, take risks and feel comfortable whilst taking an active role in your own education and becoming future-ready. You’ll learn how teaching in the real world can result in a student-centred learning experience that fosters both personal and social development and that teaching without a coursebook or a classroom is not only a way of keeping your classes fresh and interesting for your students, but also a great method for your own development as a teacher.

Completing this programme will also open doors to national and international employment opportunities and provide you with a globally recognised certification.

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • 40 ZQ points
  • Mode of Delivery: Online, Face-to-face or Blended
  • Level: Mapped to Level 1 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), England
  • Certification from QAI, UK
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Overview (50 mins)
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Evaluation and analysis (60 mins)
  • Teaching Without a Classroom (60 mins)
  • Teaching Without a Coursebook (60 mins)
  • End-of-course quiz (10 mins)

This programme is externally validated and certified by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI), UK, a private international awarding, accrediting, assessing and quality assurance body.

In order to achieve the Certificate of Participation, attendees are required to fully attend the programme.

Duration Session Details
50 minutes Innovative Teaching Methods: Overview

  • An introduction to innovative teaching methods
60 minutes Innovative Teaching Methods: Evaluation and analysis

  • Comparing and contrasting inventive and creative technologies for supporting teaching and learning in the 21st century
60 minutes Teaching Without a Classroom

  • Teaching and learning outside of the classroom
  • Teaching in the real world: Practical ideas
60 minutes Teaching Without a Coursebook

  • Teaching without the use of published materials
  • Keeping your classes fresh and interesting: Practical ideas
10 minutes End-of-course quiz

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  • Explore teaching outside of the confines of the classroom walls
  • Learn how to foster learning in informal settings and how to use everyday life experiences to spark interest in your students
  • Evaluate methods and technologies for supporting innovative teaching and learning in terms of their efficacy and appropriateness for different settings and learners
  • Consider teaching without the use of published materials, critically examine a range of innovative resources and review the use of authentic materials in the classroom.