Completing this course will help you meet the challenge of change in the modern classroom and become more successful, confident and forward-thinking. You’ll familiarise yourself with innovative and creative methods of assessment and inventive yet effective methods for checking student progress and giving feedback. Completing this programme will also open doors to national and international employment opportunities and provide you with a globally recognised certification

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • 40 ZQ points
  • Mode of Delivery: Online, Face-to-face or Blended
  • Level: Mapped to Level 1 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), England
  • Certification from QAI, UK
  • Innovative Assessment Methods: Overview (50 mins)
  • Assessment (60 mins)
  • Giving Feedback (60 mins)
  • Post-Feedback Action (60 mins)
  • End-of-course quiz (10 mins)

This programme is externally validated and certified by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI), UK, a private international awarding, accrediting, assessing and quality assurance body.

In order to achieve the Certificate of Participation, attendees are required to fully attend the programme.

Duration Session Details
50 minutes Innovative Assessment Methods: Overview

  • An introduction to innovative assessment methods
  • Assessment as learning
60 minutes Assessment

  • Innovative and creative methods for continuous assessment
  • Checking student progress: Practical ideas
60 minutes Giving Feedback

  • Giving developmental feedback: Practical ideas
  • Harnessing technology
60 minutes Post-Feedback Action

  • 360 holistic report
  • Reflection and self-development
10 minutes End-of-course quiz

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  • Examine a range of innovative tools and methods that can make formative assessments engaging for students
  • Evaluate methods and technologies for innovative assessment and feedback in terms of their efficacy and appropriateness for different settings and learners
  • Evaluate interactive assessment tools that deliver fine-grained, timely and dialogic feedback
  • Learn how to employ self-reflection and peer grading in teaching and learning.