This professional development programme is specifically designed to help teachers and schools implement India’s New Education Policy (NEP 2020), which aims to better serve the next generation of students by moving towards a competency-based, student-centred curriculum that improves both knowledge and skills.

To help schools make concrete changes to their education system, and to equip teachers with an in-depth understanding of the new educational landscape, this programme bridges the gap between education policy and practice in schools.

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • 40 ZQ points
  • Mode of Delivery: Online, Face-to-face or Blended
  • Level: Mapped to Level 1 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), England
  • Certification from QAI, UK
  • The vision of the NEP 2020 for teaching and learning (50 mins)
  • Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on the student (60 mins)
  • Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on classroom practice (60 mins)
  • Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on assessment (60 mins)
  • End-of-course quiz (10 mins)

This programme is externally validated and certified by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI), UK, a private international awarding, accrediting, assessing and quality assurance body.

In order to achieve the Certificate of Participation, attendees are required to fully attend the programme.

Duration Session Details
50 minutes The vision of the NEP 2020 for teaching and learning

  • Principles of the NEP 2020
  • The vision for the Indian teacher
  • The vision for the Indian school
60 minutes Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on the student

  • Desirable skills to nurture in students
  • Multidisciplinarity and holistic education
  • Rootedness and pride in India
  • Multilingualism and the power of language
60 minutes Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on classroom practice

  • The use of technology
  • Creativity and critical thinking
  • Curricular integration
  • Experiential learning
60 minutes Putting the NEP into practice – Focus on assessment

  • Monitoring and tracking progress
  • Assessment methods
  • Employing a holistic 360-degree report
10 minutes End-of-course quiz

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  • Gain an understanding of the stages of the NEP 2020 implementation
  • Examine best practices for effective educational change in schools
  • Learn how to shape an actionable and well-communicated implementation strategy
  • Learn how to ensure that the NEP 2020 achieves its intended outcomes and reaches the classroom
  • Learn how to put the recommendations of the NEP 2020 into practice with regards to students, classroom
  • Practice and assessment