Completing this course will help you meet the challenge of change in the modern classroom and become more successful, confident and forward-thinking. You’ll investigate the advantages and challenges of using CBE programmes in teaching and learning. You’ll evaluate different CBE programmes in terms of their efficacy and appropriateness for different settings and learners. You’ll develop a working understanding of successful competency-based teaching strategies that you can apply in your practice. You’ll learn how to design engaging, inspiring, inclusive and accessible competency-based learning programmes. You’ll also learn about the CBE approach to assessment and giving feedback.

Zamit along with its academic partner QAI, UK’s leading certificating and assessment body, brings this Professional Development Programme that will add towards your CPD hours.

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • 40 ZQ points
  • Mode of Delivery: Online, Face-to-face or Blended
  • Level: Mapped to Level 1 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), England
  • Certification from QAI, UK
  • Competency-Based Education (CBE): An overview (60 mins)
  • Competencies in the Classroom (90 Mins)
  • Measuring What Matters (80 mins)
  • End-of-course Quiz (10 mins)

This programme is externally validated and certified by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI), UK, a private international awarding, accrediting, assessing and quality assurance body.

In order to achieve the Certificate of Participation, attendees are required to fully attend the programme

Duration Session Details
60 minutes Competency-Based Education (CBE): An overview

  • What is CBE?
  • The benefits and challenges of CBE
90 minutes Competencies in the Classroom

  • CBE strategies in the classroom
  • CBE in action
80 minutes Measuring What Matters

  • CBE and assessment
  • CBE and giving feedback
10 minutes End-of-course quiz

Ask a Question


  • Receive practical ideas for designing CBE programmes
  • Compare and contrast CBE strategies in the classroom
  • Gain an awareness of the differences between assessment in CBE and traditional assessment
  • Discuss how you could help make learning relevant and incorporate student experiences outside of the classroom into the learning process
  • Evaluate ideas and techniques for providing opportunities for students to take ownership of learning and practise leadership skills in the classroom
  • Receive tips, techniques and strategies for creating a student-centred learning environment and for giving your students voice and choice in your classroom